Rainy Day Fishing

Its a cool May day in New Hampshire and raining with a thunder boomer every once in a while. Perfect day for fishing.

I worked over twelve hours yesterday, so didn’t log on and check my emails and such last night. I just had some supper and became one with my easy chair and watched some television until sleep had its way. Anyway, I woke early as usual and during my second cup of joe at 6:30 I checked my mail to find a message from Jimmy who was just in town from Jersey…

“Meet me on the river at such and such a place at 7:00 am” OK–its 6:30 and I’m not quite ready to run out the door. Oh, I forgot. Jimmy had the forethought to include in the message that should I not make it at 7:00, he’d call at 8:00. Ah, that will work and sure enough Jimmy called at 8:00. I’ll be down in a bit says I.

A little bit later I found Jimmy’s vehicle and as I’m pulling up he is walking up the hill from the river down below. We exchanged a greeting and hand shake, as we had never met before. Another one of these internet things. We got to talking about where to fish next and I suggested a spot up the road where I had gotten some action from rainbows a few days before. Jimmy thought that was a good idea, so off we went. I knew the pool so I suggested that Jimmy fish the tail out where I was pretty certain there were still fish holding. Jimmy is a fine fly fisherman and within 15 minutes he had landed 5 rainbows. Sweet!

Meanwhile, I’m fishing up above at the top of the pool with no action. We moved upstream to another spot and except for some salmon parr we had no satisfaction. Jimmy had an idea about a spot he knew down in an old mill town, so off we went. Things went better for me there with a brown that didn’t quite make it to the net and a brook trout. All in a all–two fly fishermen from different states meet and catch some trout on a river. Not a bad way to spend a few hours.

~ by John McGranaghan on May 8, 2010.

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