A Young Bird Dog

Max is now 1.5 years and thus far I am very happy with him. Its always a real adventure starting a new pup and never really knowing what you are going to see. We got out the other day on the prairie that had a lot of plum thickets and woody/brushy edges and draws. I was very pleased at how he is running. Almost always out front working from side to side in long sweeps out to 150 yards. He is also showing the smarts it takes to work likely cover when it comes to any areas of protection for the birds. For a puppy, he is showing an excellent tendency to keep track of where I am and to do a fly by now and then–but not too often.

We did find one good sized covey of quail and although Max failed to show me a good point, it was windy. Still–every little bird experience is a learning experience and each instance adds to the learning. Every day afield provides the opportunity and indeed does impart something to both dog and man.

There are always the smiles.

I neglected to take a single picture…I learn slow.


~ by John McGranaghan on December 31, 2019.

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