Then and Now

It has been three months since bringing Maxwell home with us. Time sure does pass quickly in puppy land. Five months and a bit. And every bit has been a pleasure.
Max is a setter and has ‘settertude’.
Its a wonderful thing and gratifying to witness the natural bred in instincts to hunt, point and even quarter out front naturally. This weekend coming up, we are journeying to a place that is very likely and almost for sure to find some wild quail for Max to enjoy. I hope to be able to report back with pictures and an account of that adventure.

~ by John McGranaghan on November 28, 2018.

2 Responses to “Then and Now”

  1. Good stuff John.

    I’m really enjoying your blog, keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you, Geoff. I appreciate it. I will continue pecking away now and then.

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