
A few weeks ago I tried to tie a Comparadun and had a difficult time managing the early season elk I was using. I mentioned this to the guys down at Stone River Outfitters and was told I was using the wrong stuff. They sent me off with some deer hair meant for the pattern.

I finally got around to giving it a whirl and although these first four attempts are far from acceptable, I’ve begun to get a handle on handling the materials. Seems like I’ve got to get the amount of deer hair down to where its right and at the same time make so the ball formed by the cut butt ends isn’t so big. That will get me closer to having a cleaner body and better taper.

These are tied on a size 14, white hackle tail and 8 light cahill thread. The first ones are a tan sparkle dubbing and the last an olive super fine.

These flies are fun to tie once the deer hair is figured out.

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~ by John McGranaghan on February 27, 2011.

2 Responses to “Comparaduns”

  1. If I may, I would suggest two things. 1st maybe try less deer hair to begin with. A sparse wing on my comparaduns works well and is a bit easier to manage. My second suggestion would be to look into UTC GSP thread, this is very strong stuff and will allow you to really man handle the deer hair allowing you to lock it in place.

    I dig the dog, I’ve got a german shorthair a great hunter but not the best fishing companion. I like the site, good work.

    • Thank you very much for the suggestions. I certainly need a stronger thread, as I broke it twice trying to lock that deer hair in.
      I will stop at the local shop tomorrow to look for UTC GSP.
      Less deer hair–yes, that sure would be much easier. I reckon I have to find a balance.
      Thanks again–I need and enjoy all the help I can get.

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