Fly Tying–Newbie

I just started to tie a few months ago and although my results leave a lot to be desired, I am having fun at it.

They look passable until the macro setting of the camera has its way–I suspect that the trout see even better.

I’m in trouble.

My first Copper John–I didn’t have any peacock herl (forgot it at the last minute at the store), so I substituted some olive super fine dubbing.

First try--macro tells all

~ by John McGranaghan on June 3, 2010.

2 Responses to “Fly Tying–Newbie”

  1. Ah yes, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as fixing up you’re own dinner. Bet you’ll never forget the first fish you caught on a fly you tied yourself. Mine was on a laundry lint scud.

    Your fly looks great, particularly your wire wraps. Don’t forget to pick up some mottled thin skin and flashabou when you stop by the shop to get your peacock hurl.

  2. Yup–that would be a brown on a BWO and it was cooler than cool.
    That West Canada Wire Fly was particularly gratifying since it was an original tie that resulted from practicing with wire and not having any beads.

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