Before and After

I have been looking through some old pictures and considering local covers and what to hunt when and such and realizing in the process that even in the twelve years that I have been upland hunting, how my covers have changed. Some better and some not so much better. Alder runs have aged, sumac have become to tall and stringy and nice holding patches of birch and poplar that haven’t so much lately.

All things age and change. I don’t recall the author, but I once read a story about an old barn with dust motes and grouse that were there and gone.

This old apple orchard barn stacked with old wooden apple crates reminds me of that story.

An image of age and change.

~ by John McGranaghan on September 11, 2011.

2 Responses to “Before and After”

  1. I watch my covers change with the years and some die. There is one where I watched my Hunter come along and even took my last Grouse with my Lab Mocha that just doesn’t hold the birds anymore and its sad to not visit. Almost like I am leaving behind those great times, but there just isn’t birds there anymore or cover to make them worth taking a chance.

    • I reckon the next great times will be sad to leave behind as well and yet looking forward carries the hope of all of those things that we haven’t seen or experienced yet.
      I am a creature of habit and tend to return to the same places for familiarity.
      The big changes cause me to move along and discover the new. We did some of that this last year.

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