A New Season Draws Near

I can see September just up ahead and some things start to stir within and subtle changes  without. Morning coffee and the pups out for the much needed bathroom call is not quite as bright as only a couple weeks ago. Its become obvious the days are shortening.

My mind has begun to think about what the coming season will bring and the memories that will get tucked away in safe spots. The excitement associated with a young setter’s chances to learn more while afield and the hopefulness that an old friend has the legs to hunt a little bit, also.

Max will be 17 months when the quail season starts here in Oklahoma and Tucker will turn 13 in early September. Considering these two, my heart is both jubilant for the young and experiencing a warm sadness for the older. Such is the way of loving dogs with more than just a passing connection to them.

The Prairie– so new to us all calls; as does a possible trip in October to the Northwoods for Grouse and Woodcock.

Electronic gear has been taken out and charged again, clothing has been checked a couple of times and the gear bag gone over to jog memories of what might be forgotten.

Shotguns have been wiped with an oiled rag and shouldered several times accompanied by covey rises and grouse flushed–in the mind’s eye.

Oh ya–and the much needed booties for the pup have been ordered a size larger–those sand burrs are vicious.

Soon hot steamy days and air conditioning will be traded for the cool crisp mornings of fall and a chair for a crate.

Are you thinking of the season ahead?

~ by John McGranaghan on August 18, 2019.

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