Puppy Update

It is so exciting to have a new pup in the house. All of those juices are flowing anew!

The looking forward excitement of future training and hunting adventures. The dreams and hopes of so many days afield chasing upland forest birds and prairie dwellers alike. Visions of perfect points and retrieves, passable shooting and the tired relaxation after a days hunting. Partnership afield; the reason and satisfaction for it all.

 I’ve seen a couple times now where Tucker’s nose went up and he stopped and Max did the same. The Llewellins I’ve known had a strong natural backing tendency. If there is one characteristic that is sure at this young age is boldness. Max is not cowed by cover. He jumps over and crawls under. Tucker negotiated terrain in the same way at this age. I’ve started my dogs that way. Especially helpful in the north woods where grouse and woodcock live, but I can see the same need due to plum thickets, high grasses and hedgerows out here in Oklahoma quail country. At any rate, it seems to me to encourage athleticism.

Max is settling in, nicely. I transitioned him to PPP Focus Puppy Chicken and Rice and his stools are great! He is an enthusiastic eater.
House breaking is proceeding apace and the adjustment with Tucker is typical.

~ by John McGranaghan on September 8, 2018.

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