Snowshoes, Setters and Winter Brook Trout Prospecting

The wife and dogs and I headed out this morning for a much needed stretch of the legs and lungs. We covered about five miles in a beautiful loop through classic New Hampshire hill country. I had been thinking about this brook I’d ran into while hunting grouse last season and wondering if it might hold native brook trout. It flows out of a spring fed pond and was nice and cool even at the end of a hot dry summer. The pond is completely iced over and covered with 2 or 3 feet of snow and I imagine that pond holds some brook trout, although I don’t know for sure. My attempts brought no strikes, but it was nice to scratch the itch to wet a line. I need to return later this spring and fight black flies and perhaps catch a fat brook trout or two. Toni took a couple of pics in between helping me keep the dogs away from my line.

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~ by John McGranaghan on March 5, 2011.

9 Responses to “Snowshoes, Setters and Winter Brook Trout Prospecting”

  1. Now John

    Is that a bait casting rod I see in your hand?? Where is the 6 foot 3 or 4 wt fly rod you should be using on those small streams. Like the looks of the water and I hope to show you some fishing of that nature this early summer in the White Mountains. Keep in touch, only about a month or so before we can think of fishing in ernest.


  2. Lee–Heck no!
    That be a 4 wt 6 piece backpacking rod sporting a Sage 3200 series large arbor lite reel.
    What do you take me for, anyway?

  3. Had to get to you some how. Am I forgiven!!!!!! You owe my site a visit young man, come over and check out the tarpon video that is on the home page, a guy fishing from a float tube for tarpon, big tarpon.


  4. Looks beautiful out there, similar to what we have in S.E. Minnesota. I love snowshoeing and checking out winter water.

    • Yup–its keeps the blood flowing for my wife and I and the dogs.
      Toni saw a news story the other night about these local girls snow shoe racing. My darling is thinking about looking to see if they have a ‘seniors division’ for us.
      Hey–it might be fun!

  5. You in any danger of flooding where you are, I mean your home and such?? I am not, we are on high ground.


  6. Our road floods in two places to be impassable, as it did once already a few days ago.
    Typically, 5 out of 6 ways to get to our house are blocked, but our property never suffers damage.
    Thanks for asking, Lee.

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