Fishing Music

Click on the Graphic For a Treat

A blending of things that delight is really what this blog is all about, so it seems more than a little bit appropriate to point you to this corner of the web universe and what is found there.

I have long been enamored of acoustic music. It started with 60’s folk sitting around a camp fire at summer camp and listening and singing along with the camp counselors and on to the rush of singer songwriters. I spent some years learning to flat pick fiddle tunes (never did get good enough to play at speed smoothly) and old timey and bluegrass music and now back again recently to singer songwriter stuff–kept mostly free of over production where the song and sweet string work is lost in a cacophony of noise and effects. A bit of a rant–sorry.

During my bluegrass phase, I was introduced to the music of John Lowell and Ben Winship in both their duo ‘Growling Old Men‘ and the band ‘Kane’s River’. That was oh some ten or so years back. These guys are really good–writing wonderful and fresh home made music and song lyrics to delight.

Its only serendipitous that I was in Montana about the same time learning to fly fish in their very back yards. For that reason and others I’d like to introduce you to these fellas and their music.

Fishing Music

~ by John McGranaghan on January 30, 2011.

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