Swift River Part Deux

It was a ‘Ferris Bueler’ type day off as Billy put it when he cast the invite to go on a very strange January day. The high was to be 57 degrees and I believe the forecasters got it right. The recent snow falls turned to what was at times a dense fog with a warm balmy breeze taking the said fog across the water in beautiful and sometimes eerie fashion. We had a blast and I caught my first Swift River rainbow. The fly of the day was a ‘Griffiths Gnat’–small and smaller.

We saw two hogs at least 24″, but by the time we could get around to an access point, we lost them. We know, at least, that they are there for another day and hanging around on the path less taken.


I managed to take a bit of video of friend Billy catching his first on a new Reddington 2 wt ‘Classic’.

The second is a fogged up picture of the author.

~ by John McGranaghan on January 31, 2013.

2 Responses to “Swift River Part Deux”

  1. Consider barbless – especially this time of year. That rainbow was out of the water for almost your entire clip. Could have been off in a few seconds with a lot less handling 🙂

    • Billy is doing really well for a beginner fly fisherman. I’m sure he’ll get the hang of a quick release.

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