Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture and NH Fish and Game

As I mentioned in earlier posts, I’m very interested and motivated to both learn more about and to get involved with efforts to restore and improve trout habitat in New Hampshire. Mr. Ben Nugent, as fisheries biologist with NHF&G sent these two documents to me in response to my question about what actual work has been done and is planned; as far as the EBTJV goes. There has been some discussion around the question of whether or not there has been talk only.

I’m encouraged by what I see in these documents and with the efforts of individual chapters of Trout Unlimited, here in NH.

I decided to join the Merrimack Valley Chapter because they are actively improving some of my home waters. I suppose that I should have done that long ago, but my natural inclination is to avoid groups of people larger than two. I’m slowly working on my anti-social nature.

My joining the Merrimack Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited is one baby step.

Newfound Watershed



~ by John McGranaghan on July 6, 2010.

7 Responses to “Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture and NH Fish and Game”

  1. Good stuff John. I have felt all along that if the state would put more effort into management then stocking we could get some real nice results with the wild populations of Brook Trout. I have always felt that lime stone cribs placed in some of the better small streams would allow those waters to produce more food for the trout and as a result produce bigger wild fish. For the most part these small streams have numbers of fish but size is a problem and that is because these waters are almost sterile. Add some lime and that would change the ph and also foster more insect life. I would really like to see a pilot program done on one of the streams that I know have a good population of wild fish and see what happens and what the cost may be. It sure is a better way to use F&G monies then just planting fish all over the place to be put and take. Regulations would have to be implimented to make this work, but I think it is doable.
    Just my 2cents

  2. Lee-I’m intrigued by your idea of limestone introduction. Do you know of any examples where this has worked?

  3. John

    I wish I did know of trying this but I don’t. I will do some exploring on the internet and see what I come up with.


  4. John,
    We (Merrimack River Valley TU) are looking for people to help with our efforts to remove two dams in Milford. We got a $7,000 grant and donated an additional $1,500 to fund a feasibility study. There was a public information session last week and now we will be working with DES-dam bureau and others to follow through. How would you like to get involved with that effort?

    PS our first meeting after summer hiatus is this Tuesday 9/14 in Manchester – hope to see you there

  5. The meeting is this Tuesday – 7PM at Sweeney American Legion Post on Maple St. in Manchester across from Gill Stadium. This is our regular monthly meeting. We will have social gathering until 7:30 when we will have a business meeting with committee reports. After that a presentation by some members who fished for two weeks in MT this summer.
    Good chance to meet other people and learn about volunteer opportunities.
    Let me know if I can answer any other questions.

  6. Our September newsletter has information about a number of projects we are working on. See the link at:

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