Fly Swap Practice and Prep

Being new at this game and just having signed up for a real live bona fide ‘fly swap’ over at the ‘Upland Journal‘ online magazine and forum, I figure I’d better get to practicing up.

Here are a couple of odd midges and a few experiments of my chosen ‘swap’ fly–a bead headed pheasant tail hare’s ear soft hackle.


I think the fly looks a bit more buggy with a hare’s ear thorax and a bit in front of the hackle.

Its pretty obvious that I need work, but I have some time to get this pattern dialed in.

I’m working both with fine copper wire and without, but I think I’ll settle on some of each to give more options in water speed and depth. I’m playing with hackle from the small under wing feathers from a Ruffed Grouse and the feathers from a hen pheasant–the ones kinda up between the shoulder blades. Those pheasant hen feathers seem to be separating a bit better for me. Thanks for taking a look and as always, any comments and suggestions are welcome.

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~ by John McGranaghan on January 2, 2011.

2 Responses to “Fly Swap Practice and Prep”

  1. Around trying to collect on some projects recently completed, I’m doing the same thing, sir. I am really looking forward to the swap, and had hoped to do it last year.

    Looked like most wanted to tie some kind of nymph, which was my first preference, just ’cause I’m better at them. So, I opted for a dry, just to buck the trend and lend diversity.

    I hope we expand it to more folks before it closes. I’ll tie two dozen, if everybody else wants to.

    Jeff (aka livermushbiscuit)

    p.s. Excellent pix, and nice blog. I’ve blogrolled your site.

    • Hey Jeff–I’m looking forward to this swap, as well. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a bunch more folks sign up. I need all the practice I can get, so more flies to tie would be fine by me.

      Thanks for the compliment, Jeff–it keeps me out of trouble.

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